Friday, June 24, 2011

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  • ags123
    03-09 01:19 PM
    Ok I guess I give up pretty disappointing after all the analysis.:(:(:(:(

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  • greyhair
    04-30 09:25 PM
    Sen. Kyl: Has also released a press statement, did not read it, asked me to check it on the senators webpage. Took my opinion though.

    Senator Jon Kyl Press Office (

    Kyl and Graham have released the press statement together -

    Kyl, Graham Response to Partisan Democrat Immigration Proposal

    WASHINGTON, D.C. � U.S. Senators Jon Kyl and Lindsey Graham today made the following statement in response to the immigration reform proposal announced by Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid and other Democratic Senators:

    �A conceptual paper that promises everything to everyone is not the same as responsible legislation that compiles the best ideas from both sides of the aisle. The Senate Democrats� proposal is nothing more than an attempt to score political points. It poisons the well for those of us who are working toward a more secure border and responsible, bipartisan reform of our immigration laws.

    �What is being billed as a comprehensive immigration and enforcement package, is actually far more permissive than the 2007 bill. It doesn�t provide the funding to ensure that the border is actually secured, it doesn�t end chain migration, and there is no real temporary worker program. Both of us have been involved in serious efforts to pass comprehensive immigration reform, and believe, given the increase in violence along the border, that additional border security measures must be funded immediately.

    �Since 2007, threats have increased, some border technology has failed, and the American people have lost confidence in the federal government�s ability to secure our borders. So it is our belief that Congress should focus on border security first and that will eventually allow Congress to seriously consider bipartisan immigration reform, instead of politically-motivated �conceptual papers.�

    �Most of the border enforcement measures that have been proven effective can be achieved by appropriating necessary funding. We need to work on a bipartisan basis to get this done.�

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  • jkays94
    07-20 01:21 PM
    How many though contacted their Senators for this ammendment ? Chances are that Numbers USA probably put in more calls than the proponents of this measure. The least one can do is let your Senator know of your disappointment and let those who voted in favor of your appreciation otherwise if one is silent how is the Senator to know if it impacts their constituents.

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  • pointlesswait
    06-10 12:08 PM
    same as DUI...but with lesser penalty...

    what is a DWI?thanks.


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  • jonty_11
    07-06 10:30 AM
    From Oh law Firm - sorry if repeated - its the same news as this thread...Oh spin on it.
    ================================================== =====
    07/07/2007: USCIS Reportedly Admitted Some I-485 Approvals at Last Minutes Without Completion of FBI Security Clearance

    * New York Times,, has reported:

    "To complete the applications in time, the immigration agency put employees to work both days last weekend at service centers in Texas and Nebraska, immigration officials said. They said that 25,000 applications were processed in the final 48 hours before Monday’s deadline. In some cases, security clearances required by the F.B.I. were not entirely completed, immigration officials said. The agency approved some applications “when we were certain the process will be completed very shortly,” Mr. Aytes said."

    * The report also indicates that the State Department and the USCIS tend to disagree with each other for the root of the problem for the current fiasco. Earlier there was a report in the Washington Post that the USCIS denied that the USCIS worked ceaselessly and frantically during the weekends (two days) before July 1, but it has been admitted since then the employees indeed worked hard during the two days. According to the NY Times report, during the weekend alone, they approved 25,000 I-485 backlog applications.
    * We are afraid that the alleged admission of approval of I-485 application before completion of the security clearance is likely to face the legal challenge for violation of the rules which is likely one of the main claims of the AILF lawsuit as well as the political backfire as an issue of security lapse relating to the homeland security. It appears that the July visa bullen fiasco is going out of control and pushes the two agencies into an edge.

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  • hindu_king
    03-04 12:04 PM
    LOL. I think you meant JP Morgan Chase :) CHEVY CHASE is an actor.



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  • reddog
    03-12 10:50 AM
    Looks like it only tracks people who donated for FOIA

    No, it does not even do that. it does not let FOIA donors logon too.
    First, the whole concept of donor based organisation is so stupid.
    I mean really stupid.

    If the donor based thing is ON, the future of IV is not good.
    Yeah, IV does good work by talking to people all around, from different stratas of lawmaking and what not.

    but get real, look around guys, information is everywhere, not only here. and you are working for the greater good of the community, only donors are not going to be benefitting from this.

    Instead of making donor based posts, have a FOIA kinda drive every now and then.

    unbelievable, and to top that, even donors cant access the so called 'DONOR posts'.
    talk about low life bureaucracy, welcome to IV.

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  • somegchuh
    01-04 04:33 PM
    I see that a lot of us feel really stuck because of the long GC process and yet we continue to wait. Eventually we all want to have:
    1. Freedom to switch jobs
    2. Freedom to start businesses
    3. Freedom to travel
    4. Freedom to have spouse working

    I hope and pray that it comes thru sooner than later for all of us. Let's say you get your GC in 1-2-x years. How many years after that would you go back? 2-3 or wait till you get US citizenship? Would you give up the GC after having spent 5+ years waiting and maybe a total of 8-10+ years in US?

    For those of us who are thinking that I want to go back eventually, what steps do you plan to take once you get your GC? The reason I raise this question is, it was easy to adapt to a new place when you were young. 6-10 years later (and a couple of kids later :-) what are some of the things you intend to do make your transition homewards easier? Has anyone considered taking on positions with significant travel to India(or your home country) so that you can get accustomed to the lifestyle/work environment/business back home?


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  • purgan
    08-17 11:29 PM

    i support your efforts and have printed out and sent letters to the people mentioned. Momentum for release of information should build up even if we have 50-100 letters from affected people...otherwise people won't know of EB-3 IND's plight.

    I suppose we should followup with phone calls in 15 days to cement our request. We should have a poll on who all has sent the letter and made the call.

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  • santb1975
    06-07 04:16 PM
    We need 1244$ to make it to 20K. Can we do it?


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  • pd_recapturing
    10-17 10:17 AM
    As I said before, I am willing to spend time (and of course money) to go and talk to anyone who can help us in this regard. Though, I am not in this situation but who knows. Guys, pls come forward and participate in this very very imp campaign.

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  • pansworld
    07-13 02:51 PM
    Dear Mr. Sharma :

    Thank you for your letter regarding recent changes to the employment-based green card application process. I appreciate your taking the time to contact me about this situation.

    I am aware of the recent revisions to the State Department immigration bulletin, and I am concerned about how these change s will impact the many individuals who have based their immigration plans on information from past bulletins, which stated that certain employment- based categories were current. Please be assured that I will continue to monitor the Department of State's response to this issue, and I will be in touch with relevant officials to express my concerns about this unfortunate situation . In the meantime, should you need any assistance with your visa application , please do not hesitate to contact my state office at (800) 443- 8658.

    Again, thank you for writing. Please continue to keep in touch regarding this or any other issue of importance to you.

    Subscribe to my monthly e-newsletter and periodic issue alerts:


    United States Senator


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  • maine_gc
    07-19 10:29 AM
    Do you know Aman spent $64000+ in the past 18 months for IV?

    Please read this thread before you make a decision on your donation. We need to step up and contribute.

    Thanks Aman and the core team for your efforts.

    Can any one know how to edit subscription amount in paypal. I signed up for a $50 recurring contribution last week. After reading above mentioned thread i want to change my subscription amount to $100

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  • ek_akela
    09-09 03:06 PM
    Unfortunately I can't attend Rally due to family reasons, contributed a small share of 100$..Google Order #642227016026725
    My sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart for all those are who will be showing up for this rally..hats off to you guys!


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    07-14 02:50 PM
    contributed $10 for me and my wife

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  • rajuram
    12-18 02:09 PM
    I have been wanting to post this for the last few days and was happy to read this thread.........can we do something like an Immigrant's Boycott Day or something where we should do a mass boycott all over the country.....we need to coordinate this across the entire country and do a gandhi style protest.....but we need atleast maybe 1000 people per city to do it.....I am not sure how difficult it is to get that many people.....but that seems to be the only way to create an Impact.......WE HAVE TO MAKE OUR EMPLOYERS FEEL THE IMPACT OF NOT HAVING US FOREIGN WORKERS.....THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO STOP THIS EXPLOITATION........its like when all the mexican farmers stopped working on the strawberry farms.....there were no strawberries in the market....I am in the Detroit, MI area.... we need to come up with a list of big cities where we can get 1000 people per city.

    Hit them where it hurts the most.

    I do not agree with ideas such as this one. We have to be careful not to attract any negative publicity. It is all about perceptions, lets not add to all the negative attitude towards aliens.


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  • sparky_jones
    03-07 11:41 AM
    Well, he is saying differently here. What the hell?

    Whatever Ron "Gotcha!!", and Mathew "Oh!!" say should always be taken with a pinch of salt. :)

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  • texanmom
    09-12 12:51 PM
    I have started targetting media in Houston, TX....can other Houstonians help please???

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  • kevinkris
    09-12 05:13 PM
    Hi All,

    Lots of people agreeing.
    singhsa3, since you started it, finalize on what we all need to do.


    08-13 04:52 PM
    My only hope is somehow either the senate or the house version of employment based lost visa caoture bill gets into law, either FY2009 or FY2010.

    If nothing happens to this effects we are royally screwed , until USCIS and DoL changed their interpretation for the spillover VISA numbers falling into EB-3 bucket we had some hope of catching up with some backlog, but now it seems PD will be stuck around 2001/2002.

    I dont know why USCIS /DoL allowed the labor substitutions when they knew majority of the times Labor substitute option was abused by Desi consultants to get Green Cards. Thanks god they stopped this malpractice a year ago and now heavily scritinizing the pending LC applications for I-140 else the genuine folks like me who were the victims of DoL BEC and USCIS backlog would have suffered more.

    I am also of the opinion similar to IV member "malagcpahije" and this is probably my last post in the IV as I dont see IV is a united organization, thier is a huge split between different factions of the employment based visa applicants and only relief we are going to get is from US policy makers, in this bad economy noone is willing to even talk about pro-immigration bills. Going to Washington DC will not serve any purpose other than watching those world famous museums and white house.

    I am really feeling sad for leaving IV, all the best for the folks who still have faith in IV and its core team.


    09-10 05:10 PM
    Contributed $100

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