Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • GCBy3000
    07-24 06:05 PM
    If they are such smart to calculate numbers like you said, which is theoritically possible, they would not be creating mess like this for years.

    Yes, it is easy for them to know how many applications are filed and from which country and how many are in which category etc etc. Based on visa numbers availability, they could very well process the applications are request the visa numbers from DHS. When USCIS handles all the 485 processing, then how come DHS is responsible for moving the dates in VB. It is insane and ridiculous for DHS to have this functionality when they do not have any idea on 485 apps with USCIS. They are scewing up immigrants deliberately without transparency between them.

    People are jumping into conclusion with a few approvals from 2004/2005, but what you are not considering is the number of people with 2001/2002 priority dates who just applied for 485 in June. There might be a lot of them (I am one of those). If there are not too many of them, it is good for everyone, but its very tough to predict.
    From what I heard from my lawfirm, they expect the oct bulletin to go back to 2001 or early 2002. But with everyone filing 485, USCIS should be able to predict the number of applicants and move dates better compared to earlier when they were shooting in the dark and wasting visas.

    Anyway, good luck to all

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  • Lucky7
    06-03 06:17 PM
    All this May 15th/21 date is open to interepretation there is no set concrete laws yet.I just filed I-140 and I-1485 on the 1 st June and my attorney told me just go and wait now and live your life.We can worry about stupid laws that MIGHT go into affect a yr or never and destroy your precious time.
    In the meantime go to NUMBERSUSA website and send as many faxs against this CIR bill and get it shutdown.

    Yes i know NUMBERSUSA is anti-immigrant but in this situation it beneficial to all us legals if this bill goes down in flames.

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  • ek_akela
    09-09 03:06 PM
    Unfortunately I can't attend Rally due to family reasons, contributed a small share of 100$..Google Order #642227016026725
    My sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart for all those are who will be showing up for this rally..hats off to you guys!

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  • vin13
    03-12 12:43 PM
    Yes...this how we need to work. Why you dont support the donor idea. We dont need the free riders. We need only comitted people and not junks

    I support the donor idea. But there is no transperency to who is leading what initative. If i want to contribute my time, i have to read through the posts every day for several hours to find who is leading the effort so i can discuss with them. Sometimes i feel there is so much more talk.

    Why don't we list out the initiatives that is being considered or worked on. Along with some contact information so people can discuss offline with them. I cannot be online for several hours and read through all the discussions and still not find out who is coordinating the efforts.


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  • darslee
    07-06 10:45 AM
    Please, please update when you get any news.

    I have a very dicey situation with my son, who is turning 21 in January 2008.

    Good luck for the outcome!

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  • NKR
    06-25 12:56 PM
    Fully agree with you.
    A thought comes to mind on reading your post.
    Is that what the average Amrican wants us to do? Do they want us immigrants to be kept away from participating in innovation? Do they want us to keep working mundane jobs? Do they want us to lag behind them?
    This is just a speculation no hard proofs but only a thought.

    Isn�t this what the American companies want?. They get qualified people who keep doing the same job for less and churning millions for the companies. Also, the big companies are fighting to get H1s quota increased, they do not care about whether these people get GCs are not, being in H1 for long serves them right.

    Isn�t this what many people here want?. They can boss over us for many years even if you are more qualified then them since you cannot change your profile.

    Isn�t this what the government want?. American companies are making money, many people are happy. Then why change the situation?.

    How much percent of the immigrants who get GC go on to become innovators and start their own company?. I would say less than 10%, that also could be a far fetched figure.

    America gains more than it loses.


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  • immi_seeker
    09-28 10:10 PM
    This is very bad . considering the fact that people have been put in to this endless wait of retrogression. FY2006 they wasted 11k visas and the whole year dates were retrogressed for most of the countries

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  • Ramba
    10-21 04:07 PM
    How can USCIS can judge the legitimacy of the intent of the applicant - it can be very subjective and depend a lot on the way visa officer interprets. For example how long after six months is considered a "long wait"?

    There will be always some descretionary powers to visa adjudicators but AC21 guidelines and associated memo's are detailed enough to give a clear explanation that once I485 is pending for six months, the applicants underlying I140 is valid (if its revoked or if it is not yet approved) and I485 continue to be processed - as long as the new job is same or similar. One thing that is not clear is the definitions of this same/similar job thing. We all expected some hiccups based on this interpretation. But the rejection of I485 (and subsequent MTR) based on I140 revocation is something that came out of blue and the number of these cases makes it really scary.

    It is tricky. The intent can be proved only by how long the employee has worked for sponsor. If he/she worked considerable period (lets say for 2-3 years in non-immigrant visa (H.L,E) before filing 485 and worked for about 1 year after filing 485) then, it is very easy for the employee to prove his/her intent to have a permanent employment relationship with sponser, if employer try to revoke 140 based on the fact that employee does not have intent. The longivity of the employment relationship with sponser is a great proof. Some people are abusing (by misguidence of few lawyers, as they claim GC is for future job) AC21, without even working for single day with sponser, trying to get GC. USCIS may be controlling that kind of abuse.

    One historical background reason for AC21 is that, in 2000, even though all catagories are "current", INS was very slow in approving 485. The delay for approval of 485 in year 2000 is caused by USCIS poor customer service. It took atleast 2 years for 485 approval, though the visa numbers were continously available for the entire 2 years. Therefore, the AC21 is an incentive for USCIS delay.

    Now, if the visa numbers are continously available (for example EB1, EB2-ROW) USCIS is approving 485 within 6 months, except july 07 fiasco surge. So now AC21 users are only those who suffers in retrogression, not by USCIS administartive delay. That may be the another reason why USCIS becoming hard on AC21.


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  • conundrum
    09-10 09:41 AM
    Other than the visa recapture, I guess at this point there isn't a whole lot we can do. I guess when we applied for GC we basically pawned our life to USCIS.

    It is kind of sad that when they had visa available they weren't able to approve the cases before April '03. Pathetic!!

    Enough of venting.... hopefully things might work out for the better this year!

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    10-21 03:01 PM
    I have already sent the emails and will be sending the letters Tomorrow.

    GO I/WE GO.

    Need more people sending emails. This is really a very slow pace (and on contrary the same people don't like USCIS for being slow).

    Send emails now.


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  • JazzByTheBay
    09-10 08:51 PM
    It was naive for everyone, including those with PDs in 2006/2007 (and - here's the funny part.. even those who recently filed... ) to suddenly expect the tap to be flowing with full force and everyone's AOS being approved magically in the months of August and September 2008.

    We have historical data about the USCIS' efficiencies - but for those who believed (and I'm not excluding myself here... ), it was probably a welcome break, full of hope. It was great while it lasted.

    In the process, we've lost focus on the bigger goals - HR 5882 being one of them.

    When things were "CURRENT", all we could think of was tracking LUDs and claiming superiority based on an earlier PD or a "U.S. Masters... ".

    Again, it's time to take a hard look at past successes and failures, question why we're still in this country, and if you have no doubts about that - get back to the business of pushing for legislation, imho.


    Please realize that HR 5882 is the only hope for now. I had mentioned in my previous posts that EB 2 I/C will retrogress in Oct (many said i was just saying this because i was EB3). This is not the time to be complacent or hope that USCIS will start dishing out visas and clear the backlogs. Help in working towards getting something done with the bills, the window of opportunity is very short.

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  • Marphad
    03-17 01:17 PM
    min contribution required is $25 per month

    I support donations but not mandatory donations. Its not a good idea.

    More, I want to understand little more about this. Is it $25 only per month minimum subscription to visit donor only forums for every one?


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  • mirage
    08-18 02:52 PM
    Please don't wait to reach a consenus on the content, take a cue from this letter and modify it to put your own experience..bottomline is to get the word out to Senator Cornyn & Rep. Lofgren. I am sure they will do something if we can get them this info...
    Please continue to post your comments on the letter - the sooner we can all agree upon the content, the sooner we can start sending these out.

    Also, is there a possibility of having a common meeting (all retrogressed EB3 candidates) with Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren expressing our situation - just a thought.

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  • manand24
    09-01 11:35 AM
    10 Years and 13 days to date.
    Came to US on F1 Student Visa in August 2000.
    Labor filed April 2006 - EB2 India


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  • Junky
    09-10 08:07 AM
    Damn :mad:, I can't believe that USCIS will going to waste visa numbers again. Therefore friends please call congressmen to support HR5882.

    Elton Gallegly (R-Calif.)202- 225-5811
    Darrell Issa (R-Calif.)202- 225-3906 (NOT IN FAVOR)
    Dan Lungren (R-Calif.)202- 225-5716
    Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) 202-225-5911
    Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.)202- 225-4176
    Rick Boucher (D-Va.) 202-225-3861
    Robert C. Scott (D-Va.) (202) 225-8351
    Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.)202- 225-5431
    J. Randy Forbes (R-Va.)202- 225-6365
    Tom Feeney (R-Fla.) 202-225-2706
    Ric Keller (R-Fla.)202- 225-2176
    Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) 202-225-3035
    Lamar S. Smith (R-Texas), Ranking Member 202- 225-6906/ 202- 225-4236
    Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) 202-225-2676
    Betty Sutton (D-Ohio) 202-225-3401
    Chris Cannon (R-Utah)202- 225-7751
    Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) 202-225-2216
    Howard Coble (R-N.C.) 202-225-3065
    Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.)202- 225-3265
    John Conyers (D-Mich.), Chairman 202-225-5126
    William D. Delahunt (D-Mass.)202- 225-3111
    Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) 202-225-4755
    Trent Franks (R-Ariz.)202- 225-4576
    Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.)202- 225-8203
    Steve King (R-Iowa)202- 225-4426 (NOT IN FAVOR)
    Mike Pence (R-Ind.) 202-225-3021
    Howard L. Berman (D-Calif.) 202-225-4695
    Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) 202-225-7931 (IN FAVOR - Reported by IV member new_horizon)
    Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) 202- 225-2906 (IN FAVOR - Reported by IV members cnag & Prashant)
    Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) 202-225-2201 (IN FAVOR - Reported by IV member little_willy)
    Anthony D. Weiner (D-N.Y.) 202-225-6616 (IN FAVOR - Reported by IV member punjabi77)
    Robert Wexler (D-Fla.) 202-225-3001 (IN FAVOR - Reported by IV member punjabi77)
    Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) 202-225-1605 (IN FAVOR - Reported by IV member punjabi77)
    Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.)202- 225-3072 (ALREADY SPONSOR DO NOT CALL)
    Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) 202-225-5101 (ALREADY COSPONSOR DO NOT CALL)
    Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) 202-225-6676 (ALREADY COSPONSOR DO NOT CALL)
    Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) 202-225-5635 (ALREADY COSPONSOR DO NOT CALL)
    Artur Davis (D-Ala.) 202-225-2665 (ALREADY COSPONSOR DO NOT CALL)
    Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas)202- 225-3816 (ALREADY COSPONSOR DO NOT CALL)
    Melvin L. Watt (D-N.C.)202- 225-1510 (ALREADY COSPONSOR DO NOT CALL)

    Data available in Mumbai consulate website

    Category India Most Other Countries
    F1 15 April 2002 15 April 2002
    FX 1 May 2001 1 May 2001
    F2A 1 January 2004 1 January 2004
    F2B 15 December 1999 15 December 1999
    F3 22 June 2000 22 June 2000
    F4 22 May 1997 22 October 1997
    E1 Current Current
    E2 1 April 2003 Current
    E3 1 July 2001 1 January 2005
    EW 1 Janurary 2003 1 Janurary 2003
    E4 Current Current
    E4-Religious Current Current

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  • Madhuri
    10-22 12:04 PM
    Mailed the letters.


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  • husker
    07-19 11:41 AM
    People, since Aman and lets not forget other core members also (who I am sure have racked up a lot of out of pocket cost) we as a community should gather funds for administrative cost also. GC is not just Aman's/ pappu/logiclife and others core member's dream...its OUR dream, and its not fair that in spite of knowing the time and money spent by the core members we donot share the burden.
    So here is what I am thinking, there are 21000+ members of which I think 10,000 can be considered the real people (I am sure there are more..but a real conservative estimate) if we all pitch in $10 for administrative cost I think it would not put any dent in our pockets and this collective effort would not create a financial burden on any of the core members.

    Any thoughts!

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  • reachinus
    03-05 11:04 AM
    We had soft LUD on our cases as well, for both my wife and me. Hope it will be all good. My Atty mailed the application on 6/31 and it was receipted on 09/07/07.

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  • diptam
    07-06 10:37 AM
    Hello DDL/DML,

    Please dont say anything against anyone without understanding the point.
    Who the hell gave you the right to twist my statement and personally attacking me as "anti immigrant" ?? Where i have said that reversal of 20 K GC will help us ??

    My simple point is the whole USCIS process is broken and that needs to be improved and rationalized . Now you/me/an immigrant can't initiate that process. The push has to come from influential CITIZENS who we call Senators , Congress Man/Women, House Representatives and so on so forth.

    For them to take a step they need push from american peoples. You know why CIR has failed - the senator phone lines were jammed , Talk radio was blasting Bush , Kennedy for doing behind the door deals.. that's why...

    Your/my opinion never stalled CIR - its american citizens who stalled it.

    Unless citizens see a good reason to overhaul USCIS process where the push would come from ??

    If these are the ONLY arguments we can use to get media attention then let's not use them at all. This WILL hurt us more then it can help ! I have a question: Are you one of those anti-immigrant people because you sure behave like one !

    If they revert the decisions for 20000 greencards and put the visas back in the pool, how would that help us ALL ???

    08-09 01:37 PM
    Why you need to support legal immigration reforms?

    I am a legal immigrant to United States and my permanent residency application is pending because of the backlogs in the current immigration system. There is a combination of factors leading to the current backlog in the legal immigration system. Periodic legalization of illegal aliens, lack of sufficient resources to process applications, procedural inefficiencies and poor understanding of legal immigration problems by congressional representatives are some of the contributory factors.

    Current immigration reform is primarily focused on illegal immigration reform. Typically, legal immigration is folded into a bill/Act which primarily supports illegal immigration. It is crucial that the contributions of legal immigrants be appreciated. Highly skilled, legal immigration adds to scarce skills and training in the American workforce. They improve productivity and quality of work to keep America competitive. These immigrants also pay taxes at higher rates. Further they are not entitled to most of their social security benefits unless they have worked for a certain number of years in USA. Legal immigrants act as role models by respecting the law and playing the role of responsible citizens. They act as safe anchors to curb outsourcing by providing foreign talent locally. An average legal immigrant integrates easily into the American social cauldron, is law abiding and is favorable towards charity and social participation.

    Now that you have a decent appreciation of legal immigrant contributions, let us take a look at the problems faced by them. It takes anywhere between 6-8 years on an average to process permanent residency applications of legal immigrants. During majority of this 6-8 year period,
    1) Legal immigrants cannot change employers and/or job title
    2) Spouses of legal immigrants cannot work unless they have separate work authorization
    3) All major financial and career decisions are on a hold
    4) Children of legal immigrants are unable to earn certain education benefits available to permanent residents/citizens
    5) Immigrants are reluctant to visit their home countries because of increased scrutiny at the border due to the lack of permanent residency/citizenship privileges. There is no assurance that the immigrant will be able to re-enter USA
    6) Work and Travel Permits need to be renewed every year i.e. new fees are charged by USCIS each year for renewal. This step not only involves financial cost but also induces fresh anxiety about whether the permits will be approved without problems and on time.

    Due to lack of sufficient visa availability, legal immigrant applications are backed up solid. An important factor responsible for current backlogs is inefficient processing of applications. USCIS, FBI and Department of Labor are trying their best to cope with the huge immigration backlog work. However, some processes move faster while others take unreasonably long time. Efficiency in one process is compensated by complete lack of efficiency in some other processes. The cumulative effect of these factors is tremendous frustration among legal immigrants. Many of these immigrants are actively looking for work in other countries where immigration laws are favorable to legal immigration and advanced skills are in demand. Compared to USA, time taken for obtaining permanent residency in some countries is approximately 75-80 percent shorter.

    Lately, an awareness campaign has been launched by Immigration Voice (a 5,500 member group representing highly skilled, legal immigrants). Immigration Voice represents more than 500,000 bright and innovative minds in the country. As a result of Immigration Voice’s campaign and the ongoing immigration debate, some politicians have a better understanding and appreciation of legal immigration issues. Accordingly, the SKIL bill was introduced by Senator Cornyn and Kyl in the Senate and recently this bill was also introduced in the House of Representatives. The SKIL bill supports reform in the legal immigration system. Due to the current deadlock in the senate and house over Comprehensive Immigration Reform, relief for legal immigrants is nowhere in sight. Will the average American citizen stand up and support this law abiding means of immigration? Or will the average legal immigrant fall victim to the vicious campaign of anti-immigrant extremism? The American public must take a stand and defend the American dream.

    Best Regards,


    07-15 01:30 PM
    Done for $5.00 thru DCU online '7YF4N-J8Q4S'. It asked for phone # which I found in Contact Us information of IV. Will definitely do many times in future.

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