Thursday, June 30, 2011

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    04-09 01:28 PM
    I filed for EAD (new application) 30 days back along with my AOS applications. Finished my FP on the 25th day.

    Normally How long it take to get EAD from Texas Service center. ??

    Any idea. ??

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  • kamria
    03-14 03:10 PM
    My Status: US Citizenship

    I'm planning to file GC for my parents (along with adjustment of status) when they visit me in a couple of months.
    I'd a couple of questions regarding the birth certificate requirement.

    They were born in Undivided India (before Aug 1947) and their place of birth is now in Pakistan. They migrated to India and have lived in a suburb of Mumbai most of their lives.

    - I am planning to get affidavit of birth proving their place and DOB. Does this affidavit need to be on a Indian Govt issued stamp paper to make it look official?
    - How do I get around Non availability or No record of the birth certificate requirement as their place of birth is in Pakistan. Can the municipal authorities of Mumbai issue this document?

    Can somebody please help by sharing their experience if they are/were in a similar situation.

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  • prajarajyam
    11-19 06:06 PM
    Hi All,

    My AP got approved with incorrect A#.

    Where as receipt notice has correct A#.

    Please let me know, what I need to do to get correct A# on my AP?

    Thanks for your help.


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  • Mark123
    08-14 06:34 AM
    I am currently attending a college here in China. However, I have been offered some interesting jobs . These jobs require that I have a resident visa. I have been told that I can't change from a student visa to a resident visa, while in mainland China. Is this accurate? If so, is Hong Kong an option for me?

    China visa (

    Thanks & Regards


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  • Macaca
    11-13 08:06 PM
    GOP tacks right after Democratic gains ( By Martin Kady II | Politico, Nov 12, 2007

    Republicans may trail in the polls on virtually every issue, but conservative influence is surging in both chambers of Congress as the GOP tries to find its soul again.

    It�s a risky strategy to tack to the right while Democrats have momentum in most polls, but Republicans clearly believe that they need to recapture their base before they recapture the majority.

    When Republicans ran Congress, hardened fiscal conservatives often had a lone voice-in-the-wilderness feel about them.

    Whether it was Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) filibustering on earmarks or Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) making a late-night speech about runaway government spending, the conservative caucus had a sympathetic ear from GOP leaders yet rarely prevailed on strategy or party message.

    But now that they�ve been thrust into the minority, the conservative agitators have a front-row seat with Republican leaders, and the number of lawmakers who describe themselves as conservatives continues to grow while moderates appear to be a dying breed among Republicans on Capitol Hill.

    In the House, the conservative Republican Study Committee has led the caucus in promising to sustain vetoes of children�s health care legislation and spending bills.

    In the Senate, the conservative Republican Steering Committee, led by Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), is now being invited to weekly Republican leadership meetings on appropriations, a departure from tradition.

    The top members of the Senate steering committee also had an exclusive meeting recently with President Bush, who himself is trying to launch a sort of renaissance of fiscal conservatism by vetoing popular spending bills.

    The Republican Study Committee now has 104 members, up 50 percent in the past five years.

    And 12 of the 15 Republican freshman lawmakers joined the group this year, a clear sign that the small rookie class of Republicans still believes in a conservative future, even while its party struggles nationally.

    In contrast, the moderate Republican Main Street Partnership has seen its membership decline 20 percent, from 59 lawmakers in the last Congress to 47 this year.

    And seven of those moderates are retiring, further diminishing the power of the middle.

    �We don�t need to be shy about what we believe in,� DeMint said in an interview. �We�re starting to act as Republicans around core principles, whether it�s SCHIP or earmarks.�

    Democrats are happy to see the Republicans taking a sharp right turn, believing it makes winning independents in 2008 that much easier.

    �Republicans can�t try to make fiscal responsibility their mantle when they are responsible for turning record surpluses into record deficits,� said Sarah Feinberg, spokeswoman for the House Democratic Caucus.

    �They can�t whine about earmarks when earmarks exploded under their leadership and Democrats have cut them in half and brought accountability to the earmark process.�

    The renewed influence by conservatives in the House and Senate Republican caucuses appears to be disconnected from recent poll results.

    According to a Washington Post/ABC News poll released Nov. 4, Americans favor Democrats in handling the economy, 50 percent to 35 percent, and on taxes, 46 percent to 40 percent, showing that Democrats have gained an edge on fiscal issues usually dominated by Republicans.

    Independents are also disgruntled. In a Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll last month, 63 percent of independents disapproved of the president�s performance.

    Some Republican congressional aides privately admit that the energized push for conservative issues amounts to a �minority strategy� in which the party must reclaim its identity after being thrown out of power on Capitol Hill before making a serious run at regaining the majority.

    �The far right is not going to bring the Republican Party back to power,� said Charlie Bass, president of the Main Street Republican Partnership and a former GOP House member from New Hampshire.

    �The districts that were lost were moderate districts. The far right is big on bluster but short on results.�

    Congressional Republican leaders, meanwhile, have been coordinating their efforts with some of the leading minds of the party, including pollsters Frank Luntz and David Winston, and Pat Toomey, president of the conservative Club for Growth.

    Republican aides say they�ve also had strategy meetings with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.).

    At its core, this is an effort to re-energize a party demoralized after last year�s elections.

    �We need to do a better job of communicating our core beliefs,� said Danny Diaz, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee. �We had strayed from the core beliefs that got us the majority.�

    Still, the strategy of flexing conservative credentials at the expense of the middle carries great risk.

    �The image of the party message being dictated by a small group of doctrinaire senators is not something that people at the top of the ticket are going to want,� said Ross K. Baker, a political science professor and congressional expert at Rutgers University.

    �This [strategy] springs up when a party is in the minority and prospects are bleak, so it�s unsurprising they�re having a reawakening.�

    Indeed, Republicans are finding it easier to create a unified front on spending, immigration and national security as the minority party because they don�t have to legislate, don�t control the congressional schedule and are outnumbered at virtually every turn.

    �There were times in the majority when conservatives disagreed with leadership, but there have been very few of those times this year,� said Hensarling, chairman of the Republican Study Committee.

    �There�s nothing like getting hit over the head with a two-by-four to get someone�s attention. The American people thought Republicans weren�t acting like Republicans.�

    To be sure, conservatives have always had significant influence within the Republican leadership in both chambers.

    But when it came time to cut deals on spending or to craft bipartisan legislation, they often felt like they were cut out of the process.

    Many Republicans still regret the arm twisting on their side of the aisle that led them to vote in favor of the Medicare prescription drug benefit in 2003, creating one of the biggest entitlement programs of all time.

    Now Republicans are getting their sea legs as a minority party on Capitol Hill, and their rabble-rousers serve a useful purpose in opposing the Democratic majority, especially on spending bills.

    Democrats have little chance to override any of the president�s threatened vetoes of appropriations measures, thanks in large part to Republican unity on the issue.

    �These fights on spending are important for us to re-establish our credentials,� said House Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.). �The Democrats have made it easy for us to engage in that fight.�

    Democrats have indeed been frustrated in both chambers by Republican procedural maneuvers, but they believe voters will see this as obstructionism.

    �It became evident months ago that the only play left in their playbook was to attack Democrats on taxing and spending,� said Jim Manley, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

    �They needed to shore up what�s left of their base. President Bush and Republicans have engaged in a hypocritical series of attacks on spending issues. The president only recently rediscovered the veto.�

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  • ita
    10-26 11:07 AM
    Online status says my applications were recd on Oct 2/ 2007.

    My reciept notices show the right date in August.

    Is there any need to worry or notify any one about this?

    Please Advice.

    Thank you.


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  • logiclife
    02-23 05:36 PM
    This article says that outsourcing boutsourcing does not affect the number of jobs (IT jobs) or the wages regardless of how much of work is outsourced and that the demand for IT professionals is picking up.

    Besides importing new H1s, the best way to increase the number of professionals in a pool of "Talent for hire for the highest bidder" is to free up half a million existing H1bs from their bond with current jobs by speeding up their greencard.

    And yes, about the people like What the hell are you talking about? Foriegners taking away jobs of natives???? If you cant find a job in market this good in IT/software, you should think about changing your occupation and find something else to do and stop crying "Indians and chinese are taking away our jobs waaaaaaah...waaaaaah"

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  • immi_enthu
    08-06 11:44 AM
    may be the third USCIS FAQ answers this question. when is it coming ??


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  • Robert Kumar
    01-27 12:54 PM

    Thank you very much for free service.
    My brother is working for company X.
    They have recently got one labor cert approval. The ads are 3 months old which they used for one employee who is working in exactly his skillset and responsibility.
    He is planning to ask the company to do one GC for him in same category.

    1. Can they use the same ads for him also.
    2. If they can use, then what amount of time will it save for him.
    3. What are the different things one has to do, before filing labor like wage determination, with specific employee, and how much time each thing take. Are these tied to any specific employee, or can they be used for others also.
    4. Somebody told me if valid ads are there, then it can save him 2-3 months, is it true.

    Thank You,

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  • Img
    07-25 05:32 PM
    Guys, applied recently for EAD and its pending and 180 days has not passed. I am planning to open a part time business. Does anyone know if its ok to start a part time business before the EAD gets approved ? Any insights will be appreciated.



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    03-11 09:17 AM
    You need to file I-824 to get a duplicate I-797

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  • singhv_1980
    01-19 11:38 AM
    I do not think so. I believe these are two separate issues and should not have any effect on the chances of your frnd securing visa.


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  • tanan
    01-14 10:08 PM
    I become a us citizen a couple of years ago. i was able to sponsor my brother to get an F1 visa. He will get a master degree in computer engineering in a couple of years. I would like him to stay in the us to work and live. i am thinking about filing an INS form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative. how the filing of i130 affect his non-immigration f1 status? what is his chances to get an h1 visa while he wait for the immigrant visa number (over 10 years)? can he go back to visit the family and reenter the us without an issue?
    your valuable feedback is really appreciated.
    Thank you

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  • krishna_brc
    09-22 12:54 PM
    Can we work for a Charity Organization without getting paid while on H1?

    The work would probably be 2 hours a month.



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  • Gravitation
    01-21 07:45 AM
    My friend H1b visa and status has expired. How can he stay the US? Please help he is in dire need.
    Need more details.

    When did he first come here on h1b?
    Does he have a job?
    Has GC been applied for?

    Post as many details as possible.

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  • i4u
    04-28 11:39 AM
    with I -140 you don't need your family here......


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    05-17 02:33 PM
    My cousin was in the same situation last year. She got the passport with VISA stamp in 2 weeks.

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  • sunny7r
    05-14 03:45 PM
    Dear All,

    my current stamping expires in May 2009 and i am Planning to go for H1B stamping in india(Chennai).

    any recent H1B Stamping experiances in chennai consulate in india?


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  • keiryu
    11-19 12:57 AM
    The status website shows my green card is in production. It's been in that status for 1 year now.

    07-22 01:24 PM
    I was on H4 and had applied for H1B in 2008. After long processing and being pending for a long time it finally got approved in July 2009.

    My question is, does my H1B start from oct 2008 or oct 2009? Can someone reply me on this.


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